Create custom sized papercraft and packaging templates for free! And download as PDF, DXF, SVG, PNG or SignCut file.


Papperspåse, helt platt ihopvikt. Lämplig för godispresenter eller som butikskasse. Passar även som presentförpackning för vinflaskor. Påsen kan återförslutas.

Ask med lock

Låda med lock, passande som skokartong, eller för spel. Alla måttangivelser avser innermåtten. 
För enkel användning, anges frigång mellan lock och låda, som en skalfaktor vilken sätt med ett procentuellt värde.


Denna triangulära box kan exempelvis användas för tårtor.
Den består av underdel och överdel. Den undre kräver inget lim efterom den binds samman av locket, dvs den över delen.
Storleken av locket är satt till 5% större än underdelen, vilket är justerbart under "Expertinställningar".
Vinkeln utgör ett mått på hur bred tårtbit som får plats. Exempelvis, 30 graders vinkel passar för 1 bit av en 12-bitars tårta. Längdmåttet motsvarar då tårtbitens djup.
Du rekomenderas ta till extra marginal för måtten som anges.


Det här är en vanlig ask, lång och smal.
De förvalda dimensionerna passar för kortspel (Bridge storlek).


Coffin- or casket-shaped box for Halloween, decoration or maybe for a deceased pet. Do you want to serve your “trick or treat candy” in style? Present the candy in this coffin!

This design consists of a base tray and a lid (or cover). By default, the cover is 7% larger then the tray but this can be adjusted using the Clearance. For ease of use, Clearance is set as a percentage.

Both the tray and the lid are made by folding an extra layer of paper inward. This makes the design extra sturdy and allows you to have the same color on the outside as on the inside.

Use some extra Scotch® tape to secure the lid to the box, or it might open at midnight… allowing the content to wander around your house. Mwhahahaha!


A cone, optionally with the top cut off. (In that case, it's called a frustum). Can be used to help create the geometry for a beaker, vase, party hat or lamp shade. If you'd like a real cone, just use 0(zero) for the Top Diameter.

Do not score or fold the glue flap in this template to keep the geometry at the seam smooth.

An extra construction line is drawn at the center of the cone to assist in adding graphics or lettering.

If your printer is too small, the cone can be reconstructed by drawing two concentric arcs using a compass. The radii are given in the print-out.

Counter Display

A tray with the sides cut off at an angle that can be used for storing or displaying items.

The Glue Flaps are exactly half the size of the front and back panels.

Bågformad ask

Ask med bågformade sidor.

Värdet som bestämmer bågformen kan vara positivt eller negativt, se bara till att bågformen inte blir allt för kraftig, för då blir asken mer ömtålig och kanske bucklar sig då den viks. Var medveten om att längden och bredden inte tar hänsyn till kurvstorleken.

Egg Shaped Box

A __egg__straordinary box-with-lid in the shape of an egg. Perfect as an Easter box! The egg can be pointy or blunt, round or elongated. Look at the __egg__samples to get an idea of what these values do.

This design consists of a base tray and a lid. By default, the cover is 3% larger then the tray but this can be adjusted using the Clearance. For ease of use, Clearance is set as a percentage.

The template consists of six parts: three for the base and three for the lid. The base and the lid each consist of a tube and two caps. The caps form two layers, one on the inside and one on the outside, with the glue flaps sandwiched between them.

The one on the outside is slightly larger than the given diameter in order to neatly cover the base and the lid. The one on the inside is slightly smaller, to compensate for the sturdiness of the paper or cardstock. This difference in size is given by Extra Offset for Caps.

Do not make the box too high, because the paper might lose its shape the further it is from the cap.

Enough daddy egg yolks.

Elliptisk låda

An elliptical or oval-shaped box-with-lid. Nice for packing special gifts: jewelry, cookies, wedding presents,…

This design consists of a base tray and a lid. By default, the cover is 3% larger than the tray but this can be adjusted using the Clearance. For ease of use, Clearance is set as a percentage.

The template consists of six parts: three for the base and three for the lid. The base and the lid each consist of a tube and two caps. The caps form two layers, one on the inside and one on the outside, with the glue flaps sandwiched between them.

The cap on the outside is slightly larger than the given diameter in order to neatly cover the base and the lid. The one on the inside is slightly smaller, to compensate for the sturdiness of the paper or cardstock. This difference in size is given by Extra Offset for Caps.

Do not make this box too large, because the paper tends to lose its shape the further away it is from the caps.


Klassiskt brevkuvert, används oftast för personliga brev. Mallen roteras så att den passar optimalt på sidan.


En låda som består av en bricka och ett lock. Sidorna på brickan är inte limmade, utan hålls ihop av locket. När locket tagits bort "exploderar" lådan när sidorna faller utåt.


Ädelstensformad låda, bestående av två identiska polygonala pyramider, limmade ihop vid deras baser. Det är en riktig låda som kan användas för förpackning. Den kan förvaras (och skickas) helt platt. När du drar isär de två topparna ('tops') kommer lådan att få sin fulla form. Det är lättast att limma denna form när båda halvorna är plana. Vik bara limflikarna hela vägen in och limma toppen mot botten. Kom bara ihåg att inte limma de rundade flikarna.


Typisk ask, som liknar kortasken, men de skiljer sig utseendemässigt. Den passas för förvaring av dokument i ungefär samma storlek. Templatemaker försöker korrigera motstridiga måttuppgifter automatiskt. Tänk på detta, exempelvis om tum-hålet har blivit för litet, som kan vara orsakat av att det krympts ned automatiskt.

Hjärtformad låda

Hjärtformad låda, bara för att låten av Nirvana är så fantastisk!

Måtten skiljer sig från standardlådor eftersom hjärtat är modellerat: Det består av en roterad ellips, den är skuren vertikalt på mitten och sedan spegelvänd. Längdmåttet motsvarar avståndet mellan hjärtats två skarpa hörn. Bredden beräknas av programmet för att matcha hjärtats form.

Boxen består av en underdel och ett lock. Varje del har två hjärtformade "lock": den minsta går på insidan, den större går på utsidan för att dölja limflikarna. Det är lättast att stryka på limmet de hjärtformade locken istället för på limflikarna. Parametern ”Papperstjocklek” används för att göra ytterhöljena större än insidan.


Brevförpackningen är avsedd utförd som extra kraftig förpackning. Att användas för platta föremål, men tjockare än bara ett pappersark. Exempelvis passar den för en bunt kort, eller fröpåsar. Den försluts lämpligen med dubbelhäftande tejp.


The Match Box is a simple tray-and-sleeve box to pack accessories, dolls, candles, clothes, flower seeds, etc.

The Length, Width and Height determine the geometry of the tray. The Clearance is added twice and to both the height and width. The tray can be assembled without glue, although a little glue won't hurt, of course.


Tube-shaped box with a gusseted opening. This model will not be water tight if you make it at home, though! Nice for packing chocolate sprinkles. Or make a house of this template. Or even a street full of different sized houses.

Cylinder med gerade kanter

Tube, pipe, cylinder or toilet roll core. Optionally “mitered”, which means it is truncated at an angle.

With default settings, this template gives a standard toilet roll. You can also choose to have a “mitered” cylinder, with different Miter Angles for the top and the bottom and with a Twist between these two. Use these settings if you need to create tubes that are welded (or glued) together at an angle.

Konus (med snedskärning)

En kon gererad av två plan i en anpassad vinkel. Dessa geringsvinklar måste vara ganska små. Om mallen ser riktigt konstig ut, kontrollera dessa geringsvinklar.

(Endast cirkulära och elliptiska konsektioner är tillåtna. Paraboliska och hyperboliska tvärsnitt är inte möjliga med denna mall.)

Topp- och bottengeringsvinklarna ligger inom samma plan: "twist"-parametern som finns i den geringscylindern är (ännu) inte implementerad.

Låda från flera ark

A large box that can be constructed from six separate sheets of paper or cardstock, so you can construct much larger boxes from relatively small pieces of paper.

Use some sturdy material. You might use some old cereal boxes or pizza boxes. Be aware that your desktop printer might need some ”convincing” to accept these sturdy materials.

Nestable Tray

A basic tray with glued sides and a draft angle. Because of the draft angle, the trays can be nested. This makes this model ideal as an organizer for storing small items. Think of beads, LEGO, ...

Use for Draft Angle if you want a straight sides, but use a larger value if you want trays that can be stacked into each other.

The Length and Width are measured at the top, so when you use a non-zero Draft Angle, the dimensions at the bottom will be smaller.

If you choose too large a value for the Draft Angle or too small a value for the Height, then draft angle will be adjusted by the program.


A three-dimensional shape (or box) formed by six parallelograms. Think of it as an ordinary box that has been skewed in every possible direction. This model can also be used to create a simple brick shape or a dice (cube).

The Angles will determine how much the box is skewed in every direction. The Length, Width and Height are measured along the edges, not from the top of your desk to the top of the box.

This model does not make a box, because it has no tuck-flaps, although it could still be used as such.


A glue-less, hollow, double-walled tray with a broad frame. Can be used as a photo frame (a.k.a. passepartout), as a shadow box or as an insert for the “Shallow Box” or the “Match Box”. It's a stylish yet affordable way to create a frame for your pictures. Exactly in the right size and ad-hoc!

The model consists of two pieces: a frame and an extra piece of paper to squeeze into it. Because of this, the frame will look almost seamless.

Enter the dimension of the “inner space” (the size of the picture or object to display) using the Picture Length and Picture Width parameters. The Frame Depth determines how thick the picture might be. The Frame Width determines how broad the frame will be and the Height determines how thick the entire model will be.

Note that the final model will be larger than the values you entered for Picture Width and Picture Height, because of the width of the border of the frame.

The model can be constructed without using glue, although a bit of glue won't hurt.

When used as an insert, you might not need the inner part.

For assembly instructions, have a look at the YouTube-movie


A simple, economic yet charming shape for packing items like vouchers, jewelry or clothing. (McDonald's uses it for their apple pie, rumor has it.) Both caps are folded along arcs, so they snap into place with a pleasant click.

Do not make the pillow pack too thick, or the paper will tear when you fold the ends. Keep the Width at least twice as long as the Height. Once folded, the width and length will be slightly smaller then the values you entered because of the curvature of the cardboard.

Platonska kroppar

Models of all five so-called Platonic Solids. The Platonic Solids are the five regular convex polyhedra. The Cube is the most famous one, of course, although he likes to be called “hexahedron” among friends. Also the other platonic solids are named after the number of faces (or hedra) they have: Tetrahedron, Octahedron, Dodecahedron, Icosahedron.

There is only parameter:the Diameter of the midsphere. The midsphere is the sphere from the center of the object that touches all the edges exactly in the middle.

Månghörnig låda

Tube-shaped (or prismatic) box with gusseted, integrated lid and a regular polygon as base. This template can be used to create a triangular box, a square box or a box in the shape of a pentagon, hexagon,… et cetera. This box is very decorative and ideal for gift wrapping odd-shaped presents.

The lid uses both mountain and valley folds. The glue tabs on the bottom fit together precisely. The lid will fold easier if you remove some material from the place where the five fold lines meet.

Månghörnig låda med lock

Tube-shaped (prismatic) box-with-lid with a regular polygon as a base. This template can be used to create a triangular box, a square box or a box in the shape of a pentagon, hexagon,… etcetera.

This design consists of a base tray and a lid. The Inner Diameter and the Number of Sides determine the dimensions of the base tray. By default, the cover is 5% larger then the tray but this can be adjusted using the Clearance. For ease of use, Clearance is set as a percentage.

Månghörning Pyramid

A pyramid shape with custom height and a regular polygon as base.

The Outer Diameter and the Number of Sides determine the dimensions of the base. This model does not make a box, because it can't be opened without destroying the glued flaps.

Pyramidformad låda

A box in the shape of a pyramid. The base of the shapes functions as the lid, so to open it, you would hold it upside down.

The default values yield a pyramid in the same ratio as the Cheops pyramid.

Always comes in handy for those occasions where you need to bury a pharaoh.

Rombisk låda med lock

Rhombus (diamond, lozenge, or lop sided), prismatic box-with-lid.

This design consists of a base tray and a lid. The Length and the Angle determine the dimensions of the base tray. By default, the cover is 7% larger then the tray but this can be adjusted using the Clearance. For ease of use, Clearance is set as a percentage.

Note that the Length is measured along the edge of the box.

Hattlåda med lock

A round, cylindrical box-with-lid, also known as a hat box. When made from metal, you can imagine this to be a typical cookie box.

This design consists of a base tray and a lid. The Diameter determines the dimensions of the base tray. By default, the cover is 3% larger then the tray but this can be adjusted using the Clearance. For ease of use, Clearance is set as a percentage.

The template consists of six parts: three for the base and three for the lid. The base and the lid each consist of a tube and two caps. The caps form two layers, one on the inside and one on the outside, with the glue flaps sandwiched between them.

The one on the outside is slightly larger than the given diameter in order to neatly cover the base and the lid. The one on the inside is slightly smaller, to compensate for the sturdiness of the paper or card stock. This difference in size is given by Extra Offset for Caps.

Lådan med låg djup

En grundläggande låda som, ungefär som Card Box och Gift Box. Denna specifika mall är mycket ekonomisk för lådor som har liten höjd jämfört med både bredd och höjd, till exempel en ask för en tårta eller en pizza. kommer att försöka justera "omöjliga" värden, var medveten om detta när till exempel tumhålet eller limflikarna har dimensioner som du inte förväntar dig.


Collection of the 7 concave polycubes with 4 or less cubes. These seven pieces together can form the SOMA cube. That is, if you manage to solve the puzzle. The SOMA cube was invented by the Danish mathematician and poet Piet Hein.

The only parameter that can be entered is the Unit Cell Length, which refers to the size of one cube.


The template creates a single segment to create a sphere. You need to print a copy of this template for every segment. (They are all identical.) When assembled, together they create a sphere or a globe.


Star shape with arbitrary thickness and number of points. Make your own Christmas stars! Use small ones as Christmas tree decoration or make a big one to put behind the window.

The generator will create one spike template for every point of the star. The glue flaps are made double, so you can glue them like this: _/\_ (Think 'namaste'!). If you do not want double glue flaps, choose size 0 (zero) for Glue Flap Size (Odd flaps).

You can use this template to recreate a paper version of the flag of Nepal (12 points), Azerbaijan (8 points) or the European Union (12 stars with 5 points). If you decide to recreate the flag of the USA, then you might need to block a week in your diary.

Stjärnformat låda

A box in the form of a star. Use it as a Christmas decoration, or to pack your Christmas gifts.

The Number of Points can be chosen freely, but 5 is ideal. Fewer or more is certainly possible. The Height will determine whether it will be a flat or a thick star.

The folds are a bit origami-like, score them well and make sure the star is reasonably thick.


A box in the shape of a trapezoid, also called a trapezoidal prism or a trapezoidagon. A typical use for this model is a box for luxury pralines (chocolates).

This box can be used to create a range of shapes. (See the examples in the pictures.) The top of the box can even be smaller than the bottom. You can even mix the two basic shapes! For the latter, look at the yellow box in the gallery.

You can also make a paper gold bar by using yellow or gold paper. (Or gold pressed latinum, if you prefer.)


This tray can be used as a box insert for thin items. Use this template to create a box insert that locks an item safely in the center of a box. For example a mobile phone, booklet or fancy lighter.

It leaves some extra space for a thumb hole, so it's easy to retrieve it.

This is only the tray insert, you can use another template for the box around it ('Box with lid', 'Match box', 'Shallow box', ...)

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