Create custom sized papercraft and packaging templates for free! And download as PDF, DXF, SVG, PNG or SignCut file.


Klasisks papīra maisiņš, ko var uzglabāt plakanu. Šo veidni var izmantot, lai izveidotu gan jauku, mazu gardumu maisiņu, gan lielu pārtikas preču maisiņu vai maisiņu vīnam.

Maisiņa augšdaļa iekšpusē ir ielocīta pastiprināšanai. Ja to nevēlaties, varat iestatīt parametru Fold uz 0 (nulle).

Kaste ar vāciņu

Klasiska kaste, kas sastāv no pamatnes un vāka, piemēram, kurpju kaste vai galda spēļu kaste.

  • Garums , * platums * un * augstums * ir pamatnes izmēri. Lietošanas ērtumam * pielaide * ir noteikta procentos. Lai izveidotu vāku, par šo izmēru tiks mērogoti * garums * un * platums .

Kūkas gabaliņa kārba

A triangle-shaped box that can be used to store pieces of cake. The box consists of a lower part, the base tray, and an upper part, the lid (or the cover). The tray, does not need glue because it will be locked by the lid. Hence, it could be used to store and serve food. Because the base tray is not folded, it is easy to add or remove the pastry.

By default, the cover is 5% larger then the tray but this can be adjusted in the expert settings.

The Angle is a measure for how big a piece of cake can fit in. Look in the figure if you don't know what to enter here. For example, an angle of 30º is large enough for 1 piece from a 12-piece cake. The Length is the length of the piece, which should be about half the diameter of the complete cake. But, be sure to add quite some allowance here.

Kāršu kastīte

Šauras formas kārbiņa, kuru var atvērt no abām pusēm. Starp lielveikala preču iepakojumiem atradīsiet simtiem šāda modeļa kastīšu. To izmanto kā zāļu kārbiņu, smaržu pudeļu iepakošanai un, protams, spēļu kāršu uzglabāšanai. Standarta, Eiropas spēļu kāršu komplektam (“tilta izmērs”) noklusējuma izmēri.

  • Materiāla biezumu * izmanto tikai atloku ģeometrijai.

(Starp citu, pokera izmēra spēļu kāršu izmērs 2,5 × 3,5 collas.)


Ir Helovīni, tāpēc pasniedz savus saldumus kā pienākas: ievieto tos zārkā! Ar šo šablonu izveidosi gan kastīti, gan vāku.

Izmanto nedaudz vairāk līmlentes, lai nostiprinātu vāku pie kastītes, citādi zārks varētu naktī atvērties... ļaujiet tā saturam klīst pa māju. Mwhahahaha!

Vaļējs konuss

Var izmantot, lai palīdzētu izveidot formu vāzei, ballīšu cepurei vai lampas kupolu. Ja vēlaties īstu konusu (neatvērtu), * augšējam diametram * izmantojiet 0 `(nulle).

Lai ģeometrija līmēšanas vietā būtu gluda, salaiduma atloku nav nepieciešams atlocīt.

Konusa centrā tiek uzzīmēta papildu konstrukcijas līnija, kas palīdz pievienot zīmējumu vai uzrakstu.

Ja printeris ir pārāk mazs, konusu var izveidot zīmējot uz koncentriskiem lokiem, izmantojot kompasu. Rādiuss ir norādīts izdrukā.


Atvērta kaste. Nekam nederīga sūtīšanai pa pastu vai transportēšanai, bet ļoti parocīga dažādu lietu uzglabāšanai un izstādīšanai.

Liekta kaste

A box similar to the ”card box”, but with curved sides. The curved sides make this box an eye catcher, making it well suited for luxury products. Think of perfume, jewelry, baby clothes, soap,…

The value for Curve Size can be either positive or negative. Notice though, that if the front and the back panels look ”thick”, the side panels will always look ”thin” and vice versa.

You can enter any value, but do not make the Curve Size too large, or the box will break or buckle when folded. Be aware that the Length and the Width do not take the curve size into account, so the actual space will be a bit less.

Olas formas kārbiņa

Vienkārša kārbiņa ar vāku olas formā. Ideāli izmantojama Lieldienām! Ola var būt smaila vai neasa, apaļa vai izstiepta.

Elipses veida kastīte

An elliptical or oval-shaped box-with-lid. Nice for packing special gifts: jewelry, cookies, wedding presents,…

This design consists of a base tray and a lid. By default, the cover is 3% larger than the tray but this can be adjusted using the Clearance. For ease of use, Clearance is set as a percentage.

The template consists of six parts: three for the base and three for the lid. The base and the lid each consist of a tube and two caps. The caps form two layers, one on the inside and one on the outside, with the glue flaps sandwiched between them.

The cap on the outside is slightly larger than the given diameter in order to neatly cover the base and the lid. The one on the inside is slightly smaller, to compensate for the sturdiness of the paper or cardstock. This difference in size is given by Extra Offset for Caps.

Do not make this box too large, because the paper tends to lose its shape the further away it is from the caps.


Classical letter envelope, most often used for personal letters or cards. Print the template on a piece of colorful paper and you will have your own personal envelope for a card for a wedding, birthday, invitation, get well message…

The template is rotated to make the most economic use of the paper. Because of this, you can just about make a A6-size envelope out of an A4-sized sheet of paper.

Eksplodējoša kastīte

Kaste, kas sastāv no pamatnes un vāka. Pamatnes malas nelīmē, bet to satur vāciņš. Kad vāciņš ir noņemts, kaste 'eksplodē', jo malas atveras uz āru.

Jauki iesaiņot dāvanas ar mazu pārsteigumu.

Dārgakmens formas kastīte

Gem Stone shaped box, consisting of two identical polygonal pyramids, glued together at their bases. It's a very decorative box box that can actually used for packaging. When suspended by a chord, a box like this could be mistaken for a Christmas ornament.

It can be stored (and shipped) completely flat. When you pull the two pieces (“tops”) apart, the box will get its full shape. It's easiest to glue this shape when both halves are flat. Just fold the glue tabs all the way in and glue the top to the bottom. Just remember not to glue the rounded flaps.

Dāvanu kastīte

A typical, straightforward gift box. The most used box for packing all kind of presents for a birthday, Christmas or other celebrations. This box is very similar to the “Card Box” and the “Shallow Box”, but the layout of the template (net) is different. This template makes most efficient use of your sheet of paper if the dimensions are close to each other.

Templatemaker will try to correct impossible values automatically. Be aware of this if, for example, the thumb hole is smaller than you expect.

Sirds formas kastīte

Sirds formas kastīte ar vāku. Šī kastīte jums noderēs Valentīna dienā, kad jāiepako šokolādes konfektes. Iespējamas dažādas sirds formas!

Mērījumi atšķiras no standarta kastēm sirds modelēšanas veida dēļ: tā ir izgatavota no elipses, kas tiek pagriezta, vertikāli pārgriezta uz pusēm un pēc tam attēlota. Garumu mēra starp diviem asajiem sirds stūriem. Programma aprēķina platumu, lai tas atbilstu (Ielokam) un formai. (Padomājiet par formu kā sirds "ķermeņa masas indeksu").

Šis dizains sastāv no pamatnes un vāka. Pēc noklusējuma vāks ir par 3% lielāks nekā pamatne, taču to var izmainīt, izmantojot Pielaidi, kas ir iestatīta procentos.

Veidne sastāv no sešām daļām: trīs pamatnei un trīs vākam.

Ārpusē esošā pamatne ir nedaudz lielāks par doto diametru, lai glīti nosegtu pamatni un vāku. Iekšpusē esošais ir nedaudz mazāks, lai kompensētu papīra vai kartona stingrību. Šo izmēru atšķirību nodrošina Papildu nobīde vāciņiem.

♪ Esmu bijis ieslēgts šādā kastē nedēļām ilgi ♪

Sūtījumu aploksne

Īpaši bieza aploksne.

Sērkociņu kastīte

The Match Box is a simple tray-and-sleeve box to pack accessories, dolls, candles, clothes, flower seeds, etc.

The Length, Width and Height determine the geometry of the tray. The Clearance is added twice and to both the height and width. The tray can be assembled without glue, although a little glue won't hurt, of course.

Piena paka

Piena paka. Ja taisīta mājās, droši vien labāk piemērota sausām lietām, nevis šķidrumiem. Daudz oriģinālāk dāvināt vīnu šādā iesaiņojumā, nevis maisiņā.

Cilindrs ar nošķeltiem galiem

Cilindrs, kas sagāzts noteiktā leņķī. To iespējams sagāzt leņķī gan augšpusē, gan apakšpusē. Garums tiek mērīts uz cilindra ass.
Apakšējo leņķi iespējams arī pagriezt ap asi, tā it kā jau sagāztais cilindrs vēl tiktu arī sagriezts.

Konuss (nošķelts)

A cone mitered by two planes at a custom angle. These Mitering Angles must be quite small. If the template looks really weird, check these mitering angles.

(Only circular and elliptical cone-sections are allowed. Parabolic and hyperbolic cross sections are not possible with this template.)

The Top Miter Angle and the Bottom Miter Angle lie within the same plane: the “twist“ parameter as present in the mitered cylinder is not (yet) implemented.

Kaste no vairākām lapām

A large box that can be constructed from six separate sheets of paper or cardstock, so you can construct much larger boxes from relatively small pieces of paper.

Use some sturdy material. You might use some old cereal boxes or pizza boxes. Be aware that your desktop printer might need some ”convincing” to accept these sturdy materials.

Nestable Tray

A basic tray with glued sides and a draft angle. Because of the draft angle, the trays can be nested. This makes this model ideal as an organizer for storing small items. Think of beads, LEGO, ...

Use for Draft Angle if you want a straight sides, but use a larger value if you want trays that can be stacked into each other.

The Length and Width are measured at the top, so when you use a non-zero Draft Angle, the dimensions at the bottom will be smaller.

If you choose too large a value for the Draft Angle or too small a value for the Height, then draft angle will be adjusted by the program.


Taisnstūra kastes ir garlaicīgas. Hipsteri rada paralēlskaldņus! Šis šablons rada tīklu jeb paralēlskaldņa papīra modeli - kasti, kura tiek sašķiebta trīs izmēros.

Izvēlieties visu trīs leņķu vērtības starp 0º (pilnīgi plakans) un 90º (taisns leņķis). Atgadinu, ka 100 º leņķis būs ekvivalents 80º leņķim…


Vai vienkāršāk - bilžu rāmītis. Var izmantot arī kā kasti ar dubultajām sieniņām. Šis šablons ir nedaudz sarežģītāks. Rāmīša platumam ir jābūt lielākam par augstumu plus vēl viens centimetrs. Izvēlieties mazāku augstumu relatīvi pret citiem izmēriem.

Spilvenveida kārbiņa

Piedosim šiem šabloniem nedaudz mīļuma. Liekts kartons - jauki! Atcerieties, ka platumam ir jābūt vismaz divas reizes lielākam par augstumu.

The Platonic Solids

Models of all five so-called Platonic Solids. The Platonic Solids are the five regular convex polyhedra. The Cube is the most famous one, of course, although he likes to be called “hexahedron” among friends. Also the other platonic solids are named after the number of faces (or hedra) they have: Tetrahedron, Octahedron, Dodecahedron, Icosahedron.

There is only parameter:the Diameter of the midsphere. The midsphere is the sphere from the center of the object that touches all the edges exactly in the middle.

Daudzstūra formas kastīte

Šī ir augstākās klases dāvanu iesaiņošana pašu veidotām dāvanām. Taisnstūra kastes vietā jūs varat izvelēties jebkādu malu skaitu. Izveidojiet trīsstūra, sešstūra vai pat divpadsmitstūra kastīti. Esiet īpaši uzmanīgs salokot vāciņu, ir gan locījumi ar izliekumiem, gan ieliekumiem.

Polygonal Box with Lid

Apmēram aplis.

Polygonal Pyramid

A pyramid shape with custom height and a regular polygon as base.

The Outer Diameter and the Number of Sides determine the dimensions of the base. This model does not make a box, because it can't be opened without destroying the glued flaps.


Visiem laiku pa laikam vajag apglabāt kādu faraonu. Šādās situācijās noderīga būs piramīda.

Rhombus Box

Rhombus (diamond, lozenge, or lop sided), prismatic box-with-lid.

This design consists of a base tray and a lid. The Length and the Angle determine the dimensions of the base tray. By default, the cover is 7% larger then the tray but this can be adjusted using the Clearance. For ease of use, Clearance is set as a percentage.

Note that the Length is measured along the edge of the box.

Round box

A round, cylindrical box-with-lid, also known as a hat box. When made from metal, you can imagine this to be a typical cookie box.

This design consists of a base tray and a lid. The Diameter determines the dimensions of the base tray. By default, the cover is 3% larger then the tray but this can be adjusted using the Clearance. For ease of use, Clearance is set as a percentage.

The template consists of six parts: three for the base and three for the lid. The base and the lid each consist of a tube and two caps. The caps form two layers, one on the inside and one on the outside, with the glue flaps sandwiched between them.

The one on the outside is slightly larger than the given diameter in order to neatly cover the base and the lid. The one on the inside is slightly smaller, to compensate for the sturdiness of the paper or card stock. This difference in size is given by Extra Offset for Caps.

Shallow Box

A basic box, much like the “Card Box” and the ”Gift Box”. This specific template is most economical for boxes that have small height compared to both the width and the length, for example a box for a tart or a pizza. will try to adjust “impossible” values. Be aware of this when, for example, the thumb hole or glue flaps have dimensions that you don't expect.

Soma Cube

Collection of the 7 concave polycubes with 4 or less cubes. These seven pieces together can form the SOMA cube. That is, if you manage to solve the puzzle. The SOMA cube was invented by the Danish mathematician and poet Piet Hein.

The only parameter that can be entered is the Unit Cell Length, which refers to the size of one cube.


Šablons rada atsevišķu lapu katram segmentam. Kad tos saliek kopā, rodas lode vai globuss.

Dekoratīva zvaigzne

Star shape with arbitrary thickness and number of points. Make your own Christmas stars! Use small ones as Christmas tree decoration or make a big one to put behind the window.

The generator will create one spike template for every point of the star. The glue flaps are made double, so you can glue them like this: _/\_ (Think 'namaste'!). If you do not want double glue flaps, choose size 0 (zero) for Glue Flap Size (Odd flaps).

You can use this template to recreate a paper version of the flag of Nepal (12 points), Azerbaijan (8 points) or the European Union (12 stars with 5 points). If you decide to recreate the flag of the USA, then you might need to block a week in your diary.

Zvaigznes formas kastīte

A box in the form of a star. Use it as a Christmas decoration, or to pack your Christmas gifts.

The Number of Points can be chosen freely, but 5 is ideal. Fewer or more is certainly possible. The Height will determine whether it will be a flat or a thick star.

The folds are a bit origami-like, score them well and make sure the star is reasonably thick.


Trapece vai trapeces veida kaste. Ja paralelograms ir pārāk sarežģīts, bet dāvanu kastīte pārāk garlaicīga, trapece ir jūsu ‘izvēles ierocis’

Tray Insert

This tray can be used as a box insert for thin items. Use this template to create a box insert that locks an item safely in the center of a box. For example a mobile phone, booklet or fancy lighter.

It leaves some extra space for a thumb hole, so it's easy to retrieve it.

This is only the tray insert, you can use another template for the box around it ('Box with lid', 'Match box', 'Shallow box', ...)

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