Create and download custom sized papercraft and packaging templates for free! You can`t even make an
account. :) Just start using these free printables straight away.
This site offers a practically unlimited amount of templates (also knows as ’dielines‘ or ‘nets’)
for paper craft, packaging, package design, learning materials, decoration and much more.
All the models are custom sized. Usually, that includes the length, width and height of an
object. Some models also have some angles you can customise or a number of facets.
After entering the right dimensions, you can download the models in a variety of formats. PDF
will be most likely be the easiest, so you can start printing, cutting and folding straight away.
I am an Industrial Design Engineer and graduated from Delft University of Technology in 2005.
As you can see from this website, I have a strong ability to blend design with coding. I excel at bridging the gap between technology and people.
You can hire me for:
Package Design
Info Graphics and Data Visualisation– I have a broad understanding of scientific and technological concepts and can quickly grasp complex or unfamiliar topics
Graphic Design
User Interaction Design (websites, applications) and Prototyping.
Programming Primarily in Python, though I’m also familiar with PHP and JavaScript.
Even though I offer for free, I do not work pro bono.
I care about your privacy. I don’t like Big Corporations spying on me
and I can only assume you don’t like it either.
Yet, if you visit my site, some information might be gathered and used,
so let me explain what this information is and how it is used.
Benign cookies are used for statistical purposes. Parts of your IP address are stored on my
server, but not enough to identify or track you. If you provide your email address, I will only use
it to communicate with you. If you buy me a coffee, the transaction will be recorded by PayPal and
Site design, drawings and templatemaker software are COPYRIGHT by M. H. van der Velde.
All generated templates are COPYRIGHT by M. H. van der Velde (2019,2025) but permission is
hereby granted to print and even mass-produce the templates, also commercially,
as long as they are used for packaging or educational purposes.
Re-publication in print or any digital medium, including internet, is not allowed!
This basically means: do anything you want with the templates you download
from my site, but do not compete directly with my site using my own templates.
Switch from YouTube to MakerTube (powered by PeerTube)
Switch to the Andika font for paragraphs, because of its good readability and calm, humanist style
December 2024
Self-hosting the afore mentioned 'Inter'-font.
Adding short description of the site to the front page.
November 2024
Upgrading to Python 3.10
October 2024
Removing externally loaded font files, because of privacy concerns.
June 2023
Limiting the number of Tiles to 50.
March and April 2023
Create new system for translations, in order to allow visitors of Templatemaker to
contribute translations. Try for yourself:
April 9th, 2023
Updating typography: the Google font "Inter" is now used instead of system fonts, to
assure consinstent rendering on all devices.
Moving away from Cairo (the PDF library) again, in favour of the Pydyf-library. Thanks again,
Removing the jig from the circle-box and ellipse-box and adding text to the caps.
January 25th, 2023
Adding a Page Layout option that allow for the pages to be arranged either
horizontally or vertically when asking for a SVG.
November 18, 2022
Re-introducing 'gallery' images at the bottom of each page after they had disapeared for months due to a bug.
These images should help in constructing object like the Star and the Heart-Shaped Box. Also, they provide
extra examples of how the templates can be used.
Adding this 'Changelog'
Adding Swedish translation 🇸🇪
November 17, 2022
Generating drawings:
Removed dependency on Ghostscript library, using Cairo instead. (Thanks, and )
Re-writing the Tiles-PDF fileformat because the old version was buggy.
Tiles-PDF, PNG, PDF and SVG now all use Cairo.
Adding Templatemaker logo and the logo of the sponsor to SVG-downloads.
Text in all templates is now outlined.
2012 - 2022:
Frequently Requested Models
The following models have not yet been added to yet, but are frequently requested:
Pizza Box
Postal Box
Popcorn Box
Tall box with telescopic lid
Glueless, shallow box with integrated lid. (Akin to “vattentråg“ from Ingve Kalmar)
Diveders template
Extremely Inspiring Models
Toblerone or polygonal tube package
Rotated (gyro) box
Platonic Solids with Length, Width and Height. Hence, elongated.
Models that should be included:
Polygonal nestable tray
To-do (selection)
Templatemaker is an ever ongoing project. The following features are not yet implemented, but are rather pressing:
Optional dimension lines to help re-create the template without printing it.
Contours to every template for better Cricut-support
Easier translator to allow for spontaneous translations by visitors of (Done!)
Static downloads for one-off models that do not require custom dimensions
ZIPped 'multi page', SVG, DXF and PNG files: A zipped bundle instead of all islands on one big spread.
🇬🇧 Unfortunately, the server is down. Please try again in a few hours. Everything should be working again within a day. Sorry, this happens sometimes.
🇫🇷 Malheureusement, le serveur est en panne. Veuillez réessayer dans quelques heures. Tout devrait fonctionner à nouveau dans la journée. Désolé, cela arrive parfois.
🇪🇸 Desafortunadamente, el servidor no funciona. Inténtelo de nuevo en unas horas. Todo debería volver a funcionar dentro de un día. Lo sentimos, esto ocurre a veces.
🇩🇪 Leider ist der Server ausgefallen. Bitte versuchen Sie es in ein paar Stunden erneut. Alles sollte innerhalb eines Tages wieder funktionieren. Entschuldigung, das passiert manchmal.
🇵🇱 Niestety, serwer nie działa. Spróbuj ponownie za kilka godzin. Wszystko powinno znów działać w ciągu jednego dnia. Przepraszamy, to się czasami zdarza.
🇺🇦 На жаль, сервер не працює. Спробуйте ще раз через кілька годин. Усе має знову запрацювати протягом дня. Вибачте, таке іноді трапляється.
Download started!
The template will be opened in a new tab or will be downloaded automatically to the Downloads folder on your computer.
Every download is free. If you found it useful, why not treat the creator to a coffee?